I absolutely love my coffee machine! My wonderful husband makes me either a cafe latte or cappucino every night, after our children got to bed.

Freddo Frog ice cream cake from Cadbury....

Today was my youngest son, Finley's birthday party. His birthday is actually tomorrow, a very unique birthday date ~ 10.10.10! Normally we have birthday parties at different venues, but Finley wanted to have his birthday party at home this year. We had a gorgeous day, everyone had a wonderful time and of all the delicious birthday cakes that I could have made for him, he chose a Freddo Frog ice cream cake, from Cadbury. I guess it was the easy option! I have to say by the time the party was over, and the last little person had been collected by his parents, coffee was the most pressing thing on my agenda! My wonderful Prince Charming (one of the world's best coffee makers) indulged me of one of my favourite drinks, skinny decaf, half strength. He calls it the "why bother" coffee, half strength and no caffeine! For tomorrow, I have baked a decadent chocolate cake that I know will be greatly appreciated by all my family members, celebrating my little darlings birthday........love chocolate cake!
Blessings from The Domestic Princess xx